April 2, 2011

Women are Urgently needed to release men for active service

I got all my sisters and me.

This is a great, large poster.  It measures 30" x 40".  It shows the many different ways women can participate in the war effort, either in uniform, in industry, in civil service or in agriculture.  Women are encouraged to apply to the Selective Service Office for more information about how they can help.  Issued by Wartime Information Board, Ottawa.  Printed in Canada.  In the bottom right is a code: WR-IEL.  I can not find any information on line about this poster.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's my grandma in the middle! I have a ragged torn copy of this poster. It's most likely from 1942-1946 and she was portraying the "WOW" woman ordinance worker! I love that I finally get to see this as a complete poster!!!

  3. Angela - That is amazing. And I am happy you are able to see a full and undamaged image here. Also great to know the WOW acronym.
